Sunday, November 25, 2007

Like any other time I intend to put together a ride for my kids, the weather craps out on me. After all, I'm divorced, with two kid from my past marriage. My two daughters got the day after Thanksgiving til today with me, so I had in mind some prowling about the suburbs - since my oldest is barely eleven, we count our rides by convienience stores - we go to one, have a break, go to the next, check out garage sales. You know, have a good time.

Well, this cold front, unlike the previous ones, was not a dry windy front but a wet and gloomy front. It chilled everything to the forties, which isn't cold until you realize that last week was in the 80s and 90s. Feh, South Texas weather is on crack anyways.

So I missed church for the third week running. I was ill. Too much food, too rich a food. I guess my stomach was at tolerance and decided that I was going to pay for eating so badly. I paid, all morning long.

Besides that, I've decided that my Cheng-Shins need to get replaced. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to afford new high-end rubber, so I think I'm gonna have to get X-Mart rubber until I can afford some quality stuff.

For those who don't know, I'm in the long, very odd process of refinishing my commuter bike, which happens to be the one I love to ride. Since I have to wait until I get to school to get another one, I've been keeping my eyes out at garage sales to see if I find a good bike for cheap from some joker who never rode. Why? Well, House of Kolor, the guys who make the really awesome custom car paint stuff, recommends that when the paint is shot, to let it cure for at least 24 hours... and for what I'm wanting to do, it will take a few days to shoot completely.

I have nothing real to say today - except that I have a real spanking headache from having to deal with the dormant heater all day long. I need a long bike ride.


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